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Design guidelines

Minimum Supported Wall Thickness

Recommended: 200 micron

Minimum Unsupported Wall Thickness

Recommended: 200 micron

Maximum Unsupported Overhang Length

Recommended: 5mm

Minimum Unsupported Overhang Angle

Recommended: 19° from level

Maximum Horizontal Support Span/Bridge

Recommended: 40 mm

Minimum Vertical-Wire Diameter

Recommended: 200 micron

Minimum Embossed Detail

Recommended: 100 micron

Minimum Engraved Detail

Recommended: 200 micron

Minimum Clearance

Recommended: 500 micron.

Minimum Hole XY Diameter

Recommended: 50 micron

Minimum Hole Z Diameter

Recommended: 200 micron

Minimum Drain Hole Diameter

Recommended: 3 mm diameter

Minimum Tolerance

Possible: 50 micron
Most likely: 150 micron
Continuous printing speed
Speed 0.3mm per minute with a wall thickness of 5mm.
Speed of 3mm per minute with a wall thickness of 200 micron.
Printing an upright pyramid will create layering on the outside and a smooth finish on the inside.
Printing an upside down pyramid, e.g. a boat hull, will create layering on the inside and a smooth finish on the outside.
When printing using continuous printing, resin always needs to be able to flow in and out of the part from the bottom or there will be resin starvation and holes will form.
Hotspot compensation
Enabling hotspot compensation will create a more uniform power across the entire build plate, but it will also slow down printing. Hotspot compensation is recommended when working with tight tolerances, when printing in black or white.
Pixels vs power
More pixels require less power, e.g. if you print a 30mm x 30mm cube solid you have lots of pixels that all transfer energy between each other. In this case you might only need to display a layer for 1 second.
Less pixels require more power. If you are printing a 100 micron wall you will need to display for a longer period for the wall to form.
Using this information you can increase the printing speed by increasing the number of pixels in close proximity, but remember increasing pixels in close proximity also increases heat generated by those pixels and it increases surface tension and surface area that needs to be coated between layers.
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